Why your morning habits are standing between you and your goals

Why your morning habits are standing between you and your goals

I placed this quote on my vision board in January 2017, and for quite awhile I’ve read about the benefits of a morning routine. I’ve seen close friends adapt these carefully constructed rituals and have noticed the profound differences they’ve made.

So I embraced the timeless cliché and made it my new years resolution to find my ritual.

Why put so much emphasis on a “morning” ritual? Well, as I mentioned, I read a fair amount on the benefits of a consistent morning and what I found was conclusive.

How To Create A Morning Routine That Will Make You Thrive

How To Create A Morning Routine That Will Make You Thrive

Most of us want to thrive. To wake up excited and create endless momentum with what we love to do. But things aren’t clicking. This is what we call survival mode. If you told me years ago one day I’d jump out of bed, excited for my day, before 9:00 am I’d laugh at you.

How I built a CMS, and why you shouldn’t

How I built a CMS, and why you shouldn’t

Back in 2000, I was studying at university and working as an intranet developer, posting content on an intranet written in static HTML. It was my first “programming” job and I really enjoyed it — for a few weeks.

Then it became apparent how repetitive and manual the work was. So I began writing an application in classic ASP that would allow users to manage content themselves. I had no idea that something called a Content Management System even existed, so I unknowingly invented my own.

Our redesign of Medium’s Claps…and why they may not have chosen to do it this way.

Our redesign of Medium’s Claps…and why they may not have chosen to do it this way.

By now you’ve probably heard of or tried Medium’s new feedback metric, Claps . There’s already been a lot of good discussion on why the previous Recommend system is better than Claps, and vise-versa. This post will not be adding to that.

Instead, we want to look at how Claps is currently implemented on mobile and share our thoughts on how the interaction can be improved. And then we’ll critique our own solution.

How to Build Your Startup Without Hiring A Single Person

How to Build Your Startup Without Hiring A Single Person

Ten years ago, I raised money with a PowerPoint presentation. Today, the expectations of investors are much higher. Investors want to see working products with paying customers before writing you a cheque.

But what should you do if you’re a non-technical founder with no way of building your idea yourself? Recruit a team? Hire a freelancer? Beg friends and family for their savings?